Why You Should Hire a Tax Professional
If you’re a small business owner, you’re likely feeling the stress of competing demands. Even though your business and financial experience is limited, you might be filling the role of day-to-day supervisor, inventory manager, HR manager, and accounting professional. These side duties can have the unintended side effect of taking you away from growth-building activities that would offer you and your business the most benefit.
There’s no need for you to take on every role in your business. You would be better served outsourcing functions that are outside of your comfort zone and focusing on activities that will allow your business to prosper. Taxes are one area in which the knowledge is incredibly niche and you would benefit from enlisting the help of a professional.
Taxes have a massive impact on how much of your hard-earned revenue you get to keep. There are ways to reduce the amount you owe, but laws on the topic are complex and change on a regular basis. If you aren’t a professional in the field it can be difficult to stay on top of all the applicable breaks. Handing over a substantial portion of your profits is no doubt painful for you as an employer, so why not take the necessary steps to reduce your tax payments?
You can, of course, choose to be your own resident tax expert. That involves many hours spent researching the topic and learning how to file taxes correctly. It’s more than likely that a tax break will be forgotten, or that you lacked knowledge of some tax-cutting method that would have reduced your payment. There’s also the matter of opportunity cost; you could be using the time you spent researching taxes to focus on your company itself and its growth.
At Greg Evans, we believe that you should be able to keep your hard-earned money. We offer personal tax return services as well as a tax planning advisory service, so you don’t have to pay a cent more than you have to. Tax planning gives you the power to reduce your taxes as much as possible over time and keep more of your hard-earned cash. With us at the helm of taxes, you can focus instead on growth-building initiatives at your business.
We can assist with taxes in two different ways: tax returns and our tax planning advisory service. Tax returns are yearly events. When you opt for this option, you simply supply us with all the applicable information, we compile everything together and apply tax breaks, and then we file the return for you. Tax planning is slightly more complex: we’ll meet for a consultation and develop a plan that will allow you to reduce your taxes over time. It’s a long-term approach that will benefit you in future years. You can take advantage of our free consultation to find out more about which option is best for you.
Put the extra money towards a new piece of equipment; invest it back into your business so it can grow; take that family vacation you’ve been wanting to go on. Whether it’s for business or personal reasons, additional funds are a benefit. Invest in professional help when it comes to your taxes so you can take home more of your profits.
You can schedule a free consultation at gregevans.ca or (705) 880-2224 to learn more about what we have to offer. It all starts with a conversation.